Monday, April 21, 2014

argument letter

Patricia Chinn, BCS Athletic Director
1525 Covington Rd,
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301

Dear Mrs. Chinn,

I am a 6th grader at BCS and u think that school starts way to early. Middle schoolers should get at least 10-12 hours of sleep every day. And since the average middle schooler goes to bed at ten we are not getting a full 12 hours of sleep waking up at 7 o'clock because of this. School starts way too early. I have to wake up early which do not start a good day. I am tired and I usually miss the bus. I think school should start later so we can start off the day good.
Also it's been proven that are brains aren't fully focused until 10 am which results in lack of learning. This is not good and should be resolved.
Waking up at 6 or 7 is too early and u should wake up at 7:30 or later. One morning when I woke up I was so tired. I got my stuff together and went outside. When I went outside I saw the bus pass by. I missed the bus. i want everyone to get to school on time and be able to do the best that they can.
I think that we should starts school later so this doesn't happen. We should start school around 8:45 so we have enough time to get up.


Sam Goodman

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